Blog Archive

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Killer wave off the Mendocino Headlands today

   This is my first Blog so I really don't have a clue what I'm doing at this point but I decided to start one to share my love of the Ocean, especially cool waves. I try to take some wave photography every week, sometimes everyday. 

I live in Northern California, on the Mendocino coast and usually don't have to go far to get some good pictures.

I am not an expert photographer, in fact I started taking photos about 6 months ago. Since I seem to like the waves I thought others might as well. Some of my pictures are great and some not so great. 

Either way I don't plan to post on the blog everyday but plan to do it when I can so if you like the ocean, waves and the nature of the ocean than feel free to check out the page any time you want. Ill try to keep the pictures interesting.

Feel free to comment or pass on the blog to others if interested.


  1. Great looking blog. Love this photo!

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Kate

      Thanks for the compliment. I will certainly keep posting so keep checking back ...Mendocino is a great place for waves as you know. Ill come down and check out Liquid Fusion. I pass it when I go down to the wharf

  3. Your wave almost looks like blown glass.

    1. Hi Truth

      It does, just like the shop here in Fort Bragg. Kaye said the same thing..

  4. Please drop by The Watertower Gallery (behind Gallery Books) and see Suzi Long's paintings of WAVES! Your photo is beautiful!

    1. Hi Suzi

      I have before ( When I worked for Richard Green ) but would love to stop by again. I come to Mendocino all the time. Thanks for the compliment though. I think waves are beautiful..

      Thanks Suzi

      Ill keep posting so keep checking back...Have a great day..
